April 12, 2024

Newsletter #288 - Do You Feel Safe?

Hey Shitcoiners,

In the last week we have had many ups and downs, both figuratively and literally. It’s easy to make excuses as to why you are still sitting this out. This meme may resonate. Don’t be a “Not Safe Todayooor”.

If you have had that stance for a while imagine what could have been.

Gainzy thinks bull markets are getting annoying. He wants a “set it and forget it” strategy. Gainzy, get back in the trenches.

Big news this week from the US as Uniswap Labs received a Wells notice from the SEC. It appears that Hayden is not about to back down from the war that is ahead.

Speaking of law enforcement, ZachXBT is being harassed by the IRS.

In Ethereum-related news, EigenLayer might be coming up quicker than you think. A boy can dream.

Speak to anyone playing around with DeFi and the odds are they are farming EigenLayer points in some way. Those same people will also have likely scooped the ENA airdrop from Ethena. The key takeaways from this clip are that Guy Young is a Milady enjoyoor and most interestingly, Luke Martin says “Milady” in a weird way.

Solana has been heavily congested over the past week, but the devs are on the case.

With great gains come great controversy. Over at marginfi, they have had a rough few days. First, they were acused of acting in bad faith by SolBlaze. Ouch.

And then, their Founder and CEO decided to resign in a very public display.

It would all get a bit weird though as Edgar gave into the trolls and found himself biting back. Please note, the next couple of tweets are NSFW.

Sell me this pen.

As marginfi appeared to implode, competitors were quick to jump in and try to suck up as much liquidity as they could slurp.

After having a couple of hundred million dollars pulled from the platform, Edgar changed his tune. According to him, this exactly how he hoped his plans would play out.

We also are very confused.

Solana is an experiment worth billions of dollars! Is it succeeding?

Ansem has emerged as a new main character. He has been shilling Solana since it went down to single digits. It’s Ansem’s world and we’re all just living in it.

If one good thing has come out of this memecoin szn, it is art like this.

Some bad things have come out of it too. Here is one example.

Some of those WIF holders look like they have been up to no good.

The WIF party was so weird even the police let it continue. However, they were not so into the Retardio party in NYC.

Wen Greta’s Milkers party?

We are spinning up coins based on current events now. Memecoins are your best source of news.


While on the topic of Solana, Tristan went from coffee bitch to cofounder. Now that’s a come up.

He might not have done his tens of thousands of hours though. RIP.

Eric Wall thought the bottom was in for ETH/BTC. He was so convinced this was the case, he was prepared to get rid of his manbun if he was wrong.

He was wrong.

If you attended TabConf in 2022, the feds have your details. Yikes. This is all Luke Dashjr’s fault.

Speaking of stealing, here’s a public announcement from Saylor. The state will seize everything from you if given the chance.

In the penultimate post of this newsletter, NFT Nick ran into a famous influencer. What a spoiled brat. Choose rich.

We finish up with an important Milady announcement.

That's all for this week. Follow Andreas on Twitter and stay up to date with us @Shitcoindotcom too. See you next time.

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