December 22, 2023

Newsletter #273 - Super Boner

Yo Shitcoiners,

Some of our coins are up, memecoins have been flying. It’s been a hell of a week. The biggest news centred around Solana. Beeple described the feeling many Solana holders had this week in his latest artwork.

We reported last week on the rise in demand for the Solana phone. Many rushed to buy theirs in hopes of future airdrops. However, supply is limited. If you didn’t move fast, you likely missed out!

But if you did get one… you might already be in the green.

What inanimate objects will they be airdropping tokens to next?

Solana shitcoining is not for the faint-hearted. It can go great, but it can also go terribly. Here’s Nani with his latest memefolio update.

Those who hunt Solana shitters for a living should instead have just gone into the bankruptcy field. It looks far more profitable.

But if that sounds like too much work, supposedly buying anything with a hat is a good move nowadays.

If you decide to enter the Solana arena, here’s some insight into what is waiting for you.

While many aped into Solana, Gajesh was trying to get some of his money out. He did not have much luck until some Twitter pressure was put on one off-ramp.

Onto the topic of Ethereum now. Many are fleeing to cheaper chains in search of affordable degeneracy. Here’s a meme to sum up the current state of play.

Those who have been here long enough will remember the DAO hack. Word on the street is there was some shenanigans…

We have covered Solana, Ethereum and now, Bitcoin. As always, there is a war brewing.

The Bitcoin-focused disagreements continued. Paul had a spicy rebuttal for Peter Todd. LN just isn’t very good.

Many consider the reason for this latest run to be the rumoured Bitcoin ETF. Bitwise launched an ad, which was pretty good!

We also had a big birthday this week. A meme was born on this day 10 years ago—Hodl strong, anons.

The politicians don’t like Bitcoin. Elizabeth Warren thinks it is for terrorists.

But she got noted!

It’s a bit unclear to those of us in the West exactly what is happening in China. Justin Sun is a news source for some of us. Here’s his latest shill for the Chinese government.

And here he is talking about the afterlife. We have no words.

The afterlife is a long way off for most of us (we hope). In the meantime, we are happy to collect points.

We interrupt this newsletter to remind you what you all think about retail.

CT is brutal.

As are these horrendous tattoos!

We round this edition off by wishing Alex Wice a happy birthday this week. He wrote a lengthy tweet. Enjoy.

That's all for this week. Follow Andreas on Twitter and stay up to date with us @Shitcoindotcom too. See you next time.
