December 15, 2023

Newsletter #272 - Don't Connect That Wallet

Hey Shitcoiners,

It’s been a wild week and we have plenty to get through. Are you trying to work out what the meta will be this cycle? Whatever you decide to buy, there is only one way to survive in this market.

Be careful out there. Bad actors are trying to get your coins. Ledger, whose hardware wallet we imagine many of you use to store your crypto, had a library compromised and replaced with a drainer. Ouch.

The affected apps were widespread. Even trying to revoke everything via was dangerous.

Those who interacted with any affected platforms would have encountered this.

Surprisingly, before the issue was resolved there wasn’t that much crypto stolen. But it wasn’t nothing.

Ledger released a final timeline as it became clear that the situation was under control. It turns out a former employee was the victim of a phishing scam. Why could a former employee still commit code?

The Ledger CEO wrote a letter. We are preparing ourselves for his upcoming PR tour as he tries to salvage this as he had to do when they leaked all of our data. It’s going to be rough.

Some people are just built different.

Women and Ledgers, however, are supposedly not built different according to VKTR.

There is only one logical next step!

If you are wondering where these points came from, here might be the first time it infiltrated code in the space.

The point hustle is real.

BONK was one of the biggest gainers of the week. The Solana memecoin has reached new heights and some of you managed to profit. GMI.

But Ledgerstatus jumped in and spoiled the fun by talking about taxes. The kids are not allowed to have any fun.

Investing $10k into BONK and riding it all of the way to $10M is the definition of degeneracy. What a champ.

Do you believe in the meme? If so, you might as well buy yourself a Solana Phone. Get that arbitrage, you animal.

We can only hope.

The Bitcoin tokens have also been having a good run in recent weeks. The Chinese grandma’s are coming for your bags.

But your bags are not on the blockchain anymore.

Back on to the topic of hackers now. Here’s a mentally taxing story of how far hackers will go to get those coins out of you.

And here’s a deleted tweet.

On to the security of blockchains now. No one knows what L2 security means or where it comes from.

We round this one off with some bull posting. Arthur thinks it’s time for you to get giga long!

There is only one way this is going.

That's all for this week. Follow Andreas on Twitter and stay up to date with us @Shitcoindotcom too. See you next time.
