December 15, 2023

Newsletter #247 - The Whales Are So Back

Yo Shitcoiners,

Every week when it comes to writing this newsletter, we eagerly review the week’s shenanigans and pray things are looking bullish. It’s a rollercoaster of emotions. We are happy to say that this is an “up” week and we are getting strong GMI vibes!

Before we get to the action, here’s a link to the most recent Wage Cucking With Jmo episode! It was full of alpha and a delight as always. Don’t miss it.

There has been a lot of FUD in recent weeks and if you are still with us, congrats, you chose correctly. You chose 4.

We are so back.

While the institutions are buying, don’t fumble the bag!

A couple of memes might not convince you we are back, but how about some detailed on-chain analysis? We have some accumulatooors in the building.

Saylor has his caps on lock.

Arthur Hayes has also been buying. He thinks there’s only one way this thing is going. However, after this bear market, we are all 0xCuteSocks.

Hayes has a new article though. And guess what? It’s bullish as fuck.

Alex Wice rose to infamy during the last bull run with his insane P&L. After a tweet in poor taste from Pentoshi, Alex jumped in to confirm his strategy for the next run.

While the degens plan their next moves the content creators are busy planning how to capitalize on the new money that may be flowing in soon.

We interrupt this newsletter with your weekly dose of mental illness.

You don’t need signals. You don’t need bots. All you need is Binance and Twitter open 24/7, lots of drugs and no sleep.

Or if you are looking for alternative ways to “make it”, you can grow an audience and rug pull your supporters. Zach will find you though. Do not pass go and do not collect $200.

Unfortunately Zach has some bigger problems. Jeffrey Huang, aka MachiBigBrother on Twitter has decided to file a defamation lawsuit against our favourite on-chain sleuth.

As expected many in the space are rallying to support him and cover the hefty legal costs.

The donations have been coming in fast. The target of $1M+ was already met within 48 hours! The donation address has been moving funds into stables and to another wallet which now has a balance of $1.2M. If you are thinking of donating, head to ZachXBT’s Twitter account, where he has the donation address zachxbtlegalfund.eth in his bio.

To ETF news now. Matt Walsh goes on deep dives about everything in this space. Here’s his latest analysis of the Bitcoin ETF situation.

And here’s even more if you’re interested to hear how boomers are going to get some Bitcoin exposure.

Will the West be interested in Bitcoin and Asia be pro-Ethereum? This article makes some bold claims…

To some exchange news next! Over $120M has flowed out of FTX to cover legal and financial fees. None of that is going to you.

Over in OPNX world, they have announced they are partnering with 3AC Ventures. It couldn’t be, could it?


Also erm.

OPNX/3AC Ventures are also getting in on the defamation lawsuit game.

The Solana community are possibly preparing a lawsuit of their own as crypto Twitter made fun of them. RIP.

We round this week’s newsletter off with a segment about how some of your favourite cryptocurrency enthusiasts entertain themselves. After Cobie left the scene, Ledger has been doing some reading to distract himself.

Meanwhile Jmo has been watching stuff on a TV that costs more than your net worth.

Oh, and before we go, remember to have a great weekend.

That's all for this week. Follow Andreas on Twitter and stay up to date with us @Shitcoindotcom too. See you next time.
