December 15, 2023

Newsletter #235 - Fight Back

Hey Shitcoiners,

Before we get to all of this week’s spicy action, head over to Shitcoin TV and tune into the latest episode of Wage Cucking with Jmo! This week Jmo and Andreas chit-chatted with Bryan Pellegrino, Co-Founder and CEO of LayerZero Labs. Learn why onmichain interoperability is important, what Bryan thinks is next for DeFi and some chat about unconfirmed airdrops…

In recent weeks the start of these newsletters has been all doom and gloom. This week, we are doing things a little bit differently. Despite a mountain of FUD circulating the space, our bags are looking healthy. Bitcoiners (and the crypto community as a whole) are fighting back.

It’s looking bullish. Why? ChatGPT says so.

Michael Saylor is on a quest to break even. His analysts at MicroStrategy must have also seen the ChatGPT prediction.

While the price getting to Balaji’s $1M target seems a little farfetched, at least it’s going in the right direction!

By bidding, we are all demonstrating mentally sound behaviour, we promise.

If you have never been to a Bitcoin conference here’s a fairly accurate description.

And to top off this first bullish segment, a fun video to get you in the mood for up only!

In other news this week we saw some controversy surrounding a skull.

It all started when artist Von Wong was commissioned by Greenpeace to create the skull of Satoshi, as they petitioned to change the code. As we all know, they can’t.

Bitcoiners jumped in to educate her. Here’s how it went down.

This raised some interesting questions…

And ultimately led to Bitcoiners thinking the skull was a great promo (with a minor copy tweak).

The Greenpeace attack is nothing compared to what is being thrown at us. How much worse can it get?

Operation Choke Point 2.0 has been a talking point for months. Here’s a detailed look at what has been going down.

And this isn’t going away. The US is putting pressure on their friends to join in.

The war against Binance wages on. Off the back of the news that the CFTC was suing them over “willful evasion”, CZ hit back.

CT showed their level of intelligence (and googling skills) as the key point they took from CZ’s press release was that CZ eats dog food.

While many rushed to get funds out of Binance, others were doubling down. Let’s get it, dog.

Choke Point is just getting started. Here’s Elizabeth Warren with her latest campaign slogan.

While the US starts a war, in Asia they are making friends. Is Hong Kong back?

Remember the Canadian “Crypto King” who spent $35M on Lambos?

He’s not having a great time.

Speaking of falls from grace, Justin Sun spoke at the WTO on Fisheries not that long ago…

Now he’s here with the rest of us claiming airdrops. RIP.

As “airdrop farming” threads fill our Twitter feeds, remember they take into account geographical locations too. Get out of the basement and get moving anons.

If you’re in the US don’t go doing too much though. Those taxes are gonna get you!

To some of our fallen comrades next. Supposedly the funding for SBF’s legal defence is not kosher.

And the world is learning about the inner workings of crypto. Isn’t it common knowledge that backroom deals are struck for cheap tokens on a regular basis?

It’s all coming at Sam. He was in NYC pleading not guilty to the latest in his long list of federal charges.

As we await the fate of SBF, Do Kwon is a few steps behind. We imagine Montenegrin jails are considerably worse than those of the Bahamas.

To hacks and scams! This is still unverified, but big is true.

Once it’s gone, it’s usually gone. You can always send a cute message on-chain and hope the hacker will help you out. This is so wholesome.

“Jacob” may not have to worry though. Euler has got most of it back!

Safemoon “investors” may not be so lucky.

Always check twice when doing things on the blockchain. Those mistakes can be expensive. There goes 1/3 of this guy's net worth!

It’s okay though, he can degen into Kyle’s upcoming collection and lose the other 2/3.

We end this newsletter with some exceptional wassie-related content. @CryptoParadyme is down bad.

If you want to envelop yourself in Wassie content, Singapore has just the hotel for you.

That's all for this week. Follow Andreas on Twitter and stay up to date with us @Shitcoindotcom too. See you next time.
